Jimena Peck | Denver Editorial and Documentary Photographer

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A Rare Vintage: Capsule Denver for 5280 Magazine by Jimena Peck

On a sunny spot in the Capitol Hill neighborhood of Denver, Kelly Meeks has transformed a century-old space into a fresh, modern store. I went to shoot at this 11th Ave building for 5280 Magazine Home. 

Home to Capsule, a shop where Meek’s owner personally sources vintage furniture and art from around the country. Just as this Arizona native has brought new life to Capsule’s brick building (built circa 1903), she puts on a new spin on vintage home decor. There’s nothing kitsch or “retro” about Capsule: here, a heavy dose of Midcentury sits alongside much older pieces, playing off each others’ shapes, textures, and patterns to create an eclectic look.

With such a diversity of objects and eras, it would be easy for Meeks’ shop to feel cluttered or chaotic — too many “conversation pieces” inhabiting the same space. Instead, the effect is of harmony. I’ve heard of Kelly Meeks many times, since she was launching her first venture, the eponymous Meek. It’s easy to understand why, years later, she’s come so far.

She has the ability to pull together disparate pieces, knowing innately which ones will serve her overall vision: stunningly modern, yet filled with items you know could only be found there.

Collaborating with talented entrepreneur women makes me happy.

To read the full story written by talented Kathryn O'Shea-Evan, go here.

If you want to see more of Kathryn’s work visit her site, here. 

To learn more about Capsule, here.